Monday, April 27, 2015

Clipping the Achilles and last club foot cast (September 2011 - 2 months old)'s been a while since I last posted. I guess I should get to the first thing: Sydney's foot update.
Sydney had an appointment about 3 weeks ago for her foot.  This was the appointment where they cut her Achilles tendon.  Here are some pictures from that:

After using "the saw" they use these pliers to pry the cast off.

Here's what her leg looked like so far! They said the dryness should go away after she gets her cast off.

They put some numbing cream on her heal and let it sit for 45 minutes

Sydney and I then just chilled in the waiting room until the numbing cream had done it's job:

Next they took her back(I had to wait in the waiting room while they did the actual procedure).  Once they were done, they called me back so I could see the tiny incision they did on her heal to cut her tendon.
She did so good.  They said she didn't cry at all.

Poor little girl was sooo tuckered out after all of that.
 So that's everything! She did pretty well with it.  She did wake up about every 2 hours that night..but the next night went a lot smoother.  She now has her appointment TOMORROW to get her cast taken off and start on the shoes! So exciting! We can finally give her a real bath!hah

Ok, what next..  Did I tell you that she balded?lol Like an old man too! She looked like our old stake president for a little while.. I finally pulled out our clippers, put on a 1 and shaved the rest off so it would grow in Also, is it bad that one of my favorite faces that she makes is a frowny face right before she starts to cry..?
How can you not love that face??
We also took some close up pictures of all the cute things you don't want to forget on a baby..such as the lips:
Too cute!

Sydney had her 2 month appointment today! Unfortunately this is the appointment when they get a bunch of she was poked and prodded and all sorts of things. She fell asleep on the way home and has been sleeping soundly ever since in her car seat(NOT NORMAL!lol) She usually hates her car seat!lol

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